Monday, November 24, 2008


This weekend during breakfast, I was reading an article in the paper about a little Haitian boy that was so malnutritioned you could literally see his bones. The article was about the treatment these children get and how most of the time they end up dying because there isn't very much that can be done for them. Later on that day, one of my goals for the weekend was to clean out Gabriella's dresser and organize her clothes. Since Christmas is around the corner I wanted to make room for all of the new things she is going to get. Her dresser is next to her crib so I started throwing all the clothes that don't fit into her crib. Before I new it her crib was full! After reading the article in the paper and sorting through piles of clothes, I couldn't help but feel extremely blessed. We are so lucky in so many ways. We take so many things for granted and don't realize how fortunate we are. It really made me want to help in some way, even if it's just in my community. While adopting a child from another country might not be possible at this time (although Erik said he would defiantly consider it), I hope I can find a way to touch someones life that is less fortunate than I am.


Brooke said...

I agree- Ryan and I were talking about possibly doing some kind of community service this December.

You are very lucky- Remember to count your blessings, not your troubles :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!! xo

Erin said...

Wow this is exactly how I feel! Did you read my post on adoption? Anyway, I am "adopting" a little child in Uganda through my church for $50 a month. Can you imagine 6 year old orphans caring for their younger siblings. My heart breaks for them...